Reunification Practitioners walk alongside families for 4 to 8 hours per week, to provide intentional, flexible and practical support to create long term change, and a safe family environment that the children can be returned to.
Practitioners will visit homes and explore worries, hopes and dreams to give families the best opportunity to address the concerns raised by the Department for Child Protection and show DCP that the children can be safe and thrive in the families care.
The service can include: 
• Initial and ongoing plans to keep you and your children safe 
• Development of positive parenting skills and routines 
• Identifying barriers, strengths, desired behaviours and responses 
• Role modelling & identifying supports you need to make changes 
• Developing strong family relationships 
• Growing skills to identify and meet your children’s needs 
• Raising awareness of the impact of life’s challenges 
• Linking you with community connections and resources 
• Managing your financial budget 
• Celebrating your progress and success 
Please contact DCP for a referral to this program.