What is it?

Head lice are an age-old problem, so having the Itchy Emu program available as a free, non-judgmental treatment and education program enables a hassle free and practical response.  Aimed at giving children, parents and families the information to treat their own hair, visitors to the service will discover a friendly and effective service.  Whilst children are entertained with educational activities and learning about preventing fresh outbreaks, a chemical free treatment is provided. The program has the added benefit of being a fun and efficient way of enabling children to get back into the classroom with a minimum of fuss.

How we can help?

Our volunteers and staff are trained to remove nits/lice. We use a conditioner solution that has no perfume or colours to reduce allergic reactions.

We have some tips and hints to reduce them coming back. We can chat about the ways to stop them at home as well. Everybody gets a pack to take home so that head checks can be done. Whole families can come in at once; or your school SSO might bring you in if your parents give permission.

Where/when/how to contact us?

3 Chapel St in our salon
Thursdays after school at 3pm
Friday mornings first appointment at 9am
Ring us on (08) 7628 3101

Looking to volunteer?

The Itchy Emu program is run by volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering, head on over to our volunteers page to learn more about the opportunities available and at Uniting Country SA's other community sites. Or call us on (08) 7628 3101 to learn more.

Additional information

Want to learn more about Itchy Emu? Click here to learn more, or check out this media release.

House Cleaning Tips for Head Lice Pamphlet Getting Rid of Head Lice by Combing Pamphlet

Wet Hair Treatment Instructions