Children are at the centre of the Communities for Children approach. Its initiatives focus on supporting the health and early development needs of young children from conception to 12 years, supporting parents while building and supporting child-friendly communities. Effort focuses on the five key areas identified under the National Agenda for Early Childhood:

  1. Healthy young families
  2. Learning and care
  3. Supporting families and parents
  4. Creating Child-Friendly Communities and Reducing Disadvantage through Social Inclusion
  5. Family and Children’s services working effectively as a system

Our staff delivers some smaller projects and assist in community activities and events throughout Port Augusta. We also provide funding to Community Partners who deliver child focussed, family and parenting support programs in Port Augusta.

How does this program help my family?

Communities for Children provide funding for programs within the Port Augusta Region.

We also provide:

  • The Pass Point learning for earning initiative where parents can earn rewards for engaging in educational and wellbeing activities with their children.
  • The Soapbox email network which distributes family and child related information and events to the early childhood sector and community of Port Augusta.
  • Family Friendly Business Awards which recognises local business that provide child inclusive services and cater for families.
  • Green Bookcases placed in local community spaces to encourage the importance of reading through access to free books.
  • And facilitation of the PAGE group who mentor, train and engage with parents in Port Augusta and work as volunteers to assess Child Friendly businesses and the Green Bookcases in Port Augusta, as well as assessing the needs of parents in the community

This service is available to all families with children aged 12 years or less. Parents can self refer to the Pass Point program and are encouraged to approach the individual community partners directly depending on their specific needs.

Who can I contact for more information?

Contact us today at 1300 067 777 to learn more. Or visit the Communities for Children Facebook page for ongoing updates about services and events in Port Augusta.

Additional Resources

Click on the links below to learn more about the Communities for Children programs.

Family Friendly Business Awards
Pass Point Program